Studying computers and languages

I am a student at Middlebury College studying Computer Science as a major and Linguistics as a minor. I am intensely interested in where these two fields converge.

Here are some of the things which I have worked on or studied:

2024 —

Kinna Wa Learn: Cross-Platform Rohingya Language App

Over the summer 2024, I secured internship funding through the Middlebury CCI to collaborate with the Children on the Edge Organization. Our mission was to support literacy efforts in southeast Asia by developing a cross-platform application that teaches reading and writing in the Rohingya language. This project had two main components: one for iOS and one for Android, with the goal of ensuring functionality parity across both platforms. The application includes features to learn individual symbols, practice handwriting, and use short words/phrases in exercises. The iOS version and our website are now live, with the Android version in closed testing but soon to be released.

Explore our project and the iOS beta here:
iOS Version
Our Website

A Basic iOS Game with Approval to Distribute on the Apple App Store

Over my spring break vacation, I got my first app approved for the Apple app store. It is a simple memory matching game using fruit emojis. This experience was useful learning more about Apple’s Swift language, which behaves quite differently than other languages I am familiar with, particularly in debugging. Xcode provides debugging tools with detailed instructions to fix problems at a much higher quality than what I have been accustomed to in other IDEs/development tools. Read more about my project in my github sites blogpost:

And you can find the app on the App Store here:

2023 —

A Russian Verb Classification Model trained on the Russian Open Corpora dataset

Built to run on Python and using an open, freely-available corpus of the Russian language, I built a model which can correctly predict certain attributes of any input verb. These attributes include things like tense, number, gender, and aspect.

Read my full post about this project here on my github site

Created as the final project for my Machine Learning class

Middlebury College Democracy Initiatives Website

As the Technical Intern at the Center for Community Engagement, I implemented the registration portal. The site runs on Drupal and these portals are embedded within the page to run directly through their interfaces.

Visit the site I completed here

Implementation of a Basic Perceptron Algorithm

I implemented the basic “perceptron” algorithm using numerical programming and demonstrate its use on synthetic data sets. Knowledge learned here would later go on to be used in my final project for the class.

Read my full post about this project here on my github site

Created for my Machine Learning class